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10.23.2023 Town Board Meeting Minutes

TOWN BOARD Meeting Minutes

Marion Municipal Room

Monday, October 23, 2023

A Town Board meeting of the Town of Marion, Wayne County, NY was held on Monday, October 23, 2023 at the Marion Municipal Room.

Supervisor Bender called the meeting to order at 6:28pm and asked the Clerk of the Board to give a roll call.

PRESENT:         Julie Herman, Councilwoman

Michael Cramer, Councilman – Via Speaker Phone

Ronald Lonneville, Councilman

LaVerne Bliek, Councilman

Jolene Bender, Supervisor


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Jeff Cragg, Chief Wastewater Treatment Operator; Caryn Devlin, Historian; Margi Taber; Dawn Van Patten, Assessor; Leah Boerman; Ethan Welch; Mia Hosbach; Payton Walters; Noah Luckman; Marcia Lonneville; Alexis Velte; Bradley Leno; Liam Phelps; Oren Welch; Jacob Williams; Abigail Marotta; Alexandria Anderson.

Supervisor Bender asked everyone to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance.

Supervisor Bender read the following statement:

If you are attending a Town Board Meeting and have not signed up for Public Participation Section of the Town Board Meeting pursuant to the rules which have been established (24 hours prior to start of meeting), then you will not be able to express your opinion. As a courtesy to those who attend the Board Meeting, you are requested not to interrupt the meeting, and refrain from conversation that would interfere with those attending being able to hear the Board transact its business. If in fact someone interferes with the meeting or the conversation with other spectators should require a warning and it is ignored, the person could be charged with Disorderly Conduct. For public hearings, speaking will be limited to topics on the agenda.

If after the Town Board has finished their business, each person in attendance who wishes to speak will be given 3 minutes at the end of the meeting to speak on only topics discussed at the evenings meeting.

If after the Town Board has finished their business, each person in attendance who wishes to speak will be given minutes at the end of the meeting to speak on only topics discussed at the evening meeting.


  1. Town Projects

Councilman Lonneville thanked the Marion Historic Association for another great Haunting in the Hamlet event.  There were 112 attendees and 25 students participated in this event.  All proceeds go to the Marion Historic Association Scholarship Fund.  Next Councilman Lonneville thanked the Wayne County Bicentennial committee for another free music event.  The Fiddlers of the Genesee performed at the Marion High School on Sunday, October 22 in a very full auditorium.

Councilman Lonneville spoke next regarding the Town Hall projects.  The exterior trim work painting is getting done this week and after that the new awnings will be installed.  The back of the Town Court siding is currently being worked on.  The damage was greater than originally thought.

Councilman Cramer stated the new upgraded cameras at the town park will be installed on November 3rd.

  1. Low Income Senior Exemption Options

Assessor Dawn VanPatten explained that the State of New York has some new Low Income Senior Exemptions.  Ms. VanPatten suggested that the Town Board stay with the changes that were made earlier this year.

  1. Cold War Veteran Exemptions

Assessor Dawn VanPatten stated there is a husband and wife that would like the Town of Marion to consider including a ‘Cold War’ veteran exemption for Town & County Taxes.  This would only affect the Town part of the tax bill and not the county.  Ms. VanPatten stated the Town of Williamson does offer a ‘Cold War’ veteran exemption at 15%.  The Town Board discussed this and would also like to know how to proceed to allow for ‘Cold War’ veterans to receive this exemption.  Town Clerk, Heidi Levan will work with Dawn VanPatten on this project.

Citizens Comments:  None


  1. Award Contract to RD Clingerman to Paint Upper Soffits on Town Hall
  2. Award Contract to RD Clingerman to Paint all New Windows at the Town Hall
  3. Payment of Claims

Resolution #1021-23 Award Contract to RD Clingerman to Paint Upper Soffits on Town Hall

On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Cramer, Lonneville, Bliek, Bender, Herman

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Town of Marion sent out an RFP to Paint the Upper Soffits on the Town Hall; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Marion received 1 bid; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board awards the contract to RD Clingerman to paint the upper soffits at the Town Hall to be expensed out of 16204.01.000.050 not to exceed $2275.00 – Building Renovations; and.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to RD Clingerman and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1022-23 Award Contract to RD Clingerman to Paint all New Windows at the Town Hall

On a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Cramer

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Cramer, Lonneville, Bliek, Bender, Herman

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, the Town of Marion sent out an RFP to Paint the new windows on the Town Hall; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Marion received 1 bid; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board awards the contract to RD Clingerman to paint all new windows at the Town Hall to be expensed out of 16204.01.000.050 not to exceed $2775.00– Building Renovations; and.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to RD Clingerman and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1023-23 Adopt Tentative Budget

 On a motion by Councilman Lonneville and seconded by Councilman Bliek

ADOPTED:       Long Roll:

Councilman Bliek – Aye

Councilman Lonneville – Aye

Councilwoman Herman – Aye

Councilman Cramer – Aye

Supervisor Bender – Aye

Ayes:  5

Abstained:  0

Nayes:  0

The following resolution was adopted

 Whereas, the 2024 Tentative Budget has been reviewed by the Marion Town Board,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board approves the Tentative Budget for 2024 which now becomes the Preliminary Budget with the following changes:


Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
Account # category Starting Tentative Amount Current amount in Budget
10104.01.000.003 Town Board – Cont.: Advertising  $                                  1,000  $                                     500
11104.01.000.004 Justice – Misc.  $                                     500  $                                     300
13554.01.000.005 Assessor:  Postage  $                                  1,000  $                                     100
19904.01.000.000 Contractual – Contingency  $                               12,000  $                                  6,000
40101.01.000.000 Board of Health – Health Officer  $                                  1,046  $                                        –
71102.01.000.063 Parks – Equipment: Kitchen Equip.  $                                     250  $                                        –
73101.01.000.080 Youth Programs – Counselors  $                               18,000  $                                        –
73101.01.000.081 Youth Programs – Head Counselors  $                                  3,500  $                                        –
73101.01.000.083 Youth Programs – Summer Rec. Dir  $                                  5,000  $                                        –
73101.01.000.191 Youth Programs – Soccer Coord.  $                                  2,000  $                                  2,500
73101.01.000.192 Youth Programs – Baseball Coord.  $                                  2,000  $                                  2,500
73101.01.000.218 Adult Recreation  $                                        –  $                                     500
75102.01.000.000 Historian:  Acquisitions  $                                     400  $                                        –
75204.01.000.096 Building Improvements – Addition  $                                  6,000  $                                        –
80101.01.000.005 CEO: Postage  $                                     200  $                                     175
80101.01.000.105 CEO: Legal Fees  $                                  2,500  $                                  2,000
85104.01.000.000 Comm. Beautification – Flowers  $                                     800  $                                     900
99509.01.000.000 Reserve Transfer (Lawnmower)  $                                  3,000  $                                  7,000
51104.03.000.060 Highway – Uniforms  $                                  2,500  $                                  2,000
51124.03.000.128 Highway – Guard Rail  $                               10,000  $                                  8,000
51124.03.000.130 Highway – Road Reconstruction  $                             250,000  $                             200,000
51302.03.000.131 Highway – Blades  $                                  6,000  $                                  5,000
51302.03.000.133 Highway – Loader/Truck Sweeper  $                             160,000  $                                        –
2770.03 Misc. Tax Stabilization  $                                        –  $                               10,000
81301.07.000.160 Sewer – Personal Service (Jeff)  $                               61,697  $                               64,697
90308.01.000.000 Employee Benefits: Social Security  $                               31,097  $                               29,452
90358.01.000.000 Employee Benefits: Medicare  $                                  7,273  $                                  6,888
90308.07.000.000 Sewer -Benefits: Social Security  $                                  3,918  $                                  4,104
90358.07.000.000 Sewer – Benefits: Medicare  $                                     916  $                                     960
85404.10.000.174 Drainage: Projects  $                               30,000  $                               10,000
88104.39.000.005 Cemetery: Postage  $                                     250  $                                     100
88104.39.000.029 Cemetery:  Software  $                               24,000  $                                  5,000
90108.39.000.000 Cemetery: Retirement  $                                  3,000  $                                  2,500
88104.39.000.254 Cemetery: Maintenance Person  $                               52,000  $                                  3,000
90308.39.000.000 Cemetery: Social Security  $                                  5,518  $                                  2,480
90358.39.000.000 Cemetery: Medicare  $                                  1,291  $                                     580
90608.39.000.000 Cemetery: Hospital Insurance  $                               15,632  $                                        –

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1024-23 Payment of Claims

 On a motion by Councilman Bliek and seconded by Councilman Lonneville

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Cramer, Lonneville, Bliek, Bender, Herman

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

 WHEREAS, the Marion Town Board has received and audited the following claims: now

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay said claims upon receipt of the signed abstracts of audited claims from the Town Clerk.


General                                                12,090.26

Highway                                               76,505.41

Total                                                     88,595.67

Resolution #1025-23 Accept Resignation of Dawn VanPatten, Marion Assessor

On a motion by Councilwoman Herman and seconded by Councilman Lonneville

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Bender, Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, Marion Assessor, Dawn VanPatten has submitted her resignation from the Town of Marion effective December 29, 2023; now

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board regretfully accepts the resignation of Dawn VanPatten effective, December 29, 2023; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Dawn VanPatten and the Principal Account Clerk.

Resolution #1026-23 Authorize Advertising for Assessor

On a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilman Lonneville

ADOPTED:  Ayes:  5 Bender, Lonneville, Herman, Cramer, Bliek

Nays:  0

The following resolution was adopted

WHEREAS, The Town of Marion has a vacancy for Assessor; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board authorizes the Clerk of the Board to advertise for a part time Assessor position; and

BE IT RESOLVED, applications may be picked up at the Marion Town Clerk’s Office and returned by November 17, 2023 at 4pm, and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marion Town Board directs the Clerk of the Board to give a copy of this resolution to Principal Account Clerk.

The Town Board went into executive session to discuss the employment history of a particular person on a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman at 6:50 pm.

With no further business, on a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilwoman Herman, Supervisor Bender closed the meeting at 7:06pm.

Next meetings are scheduled for:

Meeting/Workshop:             Monday, October 30, 2023 @ 6:30pm

Meeting/Workshop:           Monday, November 13, 2023 @ 6:30pm



Heidi M. Levan, Clerk of the Board