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7.22.2024 Special Meeting

Special TOWN BOARD Meeting Minutes

Marion Court Room

Monday, July 22 2024

A Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Marion, Wayne County, NY was held on Monday, July 22, 2024 at the Marion Court Room.

Supervisor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

PRESENT:         Summer Johnson, Supervisor

Michael Cramer, Councilman

Julie Herman, Councilwoman

Ronald Lonneville, Councilman

Margi Taber, Councilwoman


OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:  Theresa Keyser; John Lonneville, member of the Zoning Board of Appeals; Marcia Lonneville; Michele Kuelling; Debi Christie; Gregory Bell, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals; Adrienne Compton, Clerk to the Assessor, Zoning Board and Planning Board.

Supervisor Johnson started the meeting by asking the Clerk of the Board to read the legal notice.  The Clerk read the following notice that was posted on the sign board at the Town Hall, Legal newspaper the Times of Wayne County, and the Town website.


Pursuant to section §206-8, Inquiry by Town Board, Theresa Keyser, residing at 3758 Mill St, Marion, NY and by being served personally by The Town of Marion Code Enforcement Officer on or around July16, 2024 for a violation; therefore requests, in writing, a review by the Town Board of such violation. A special meeting will take place on: July 22nd , 2024 at 5:30pm in the Court Building. At this time, the aggrieved person(s) may address the board regarding the violation. The town board will determine the final cause of action and or violation. A copy of this notice will be delivered to all parties involved.

Respectfully submitted, Summer Johnson Supervisor

Supervisor Johnson asked Theresa Keyser to speak first because Ms. Keyser asked for a hearing regarding a violation letter she received from the Town of Marion Code Enforcement Officer.

Ms. Keyser first thanked the Town Board for meeting so quickly to discuss this issue.  She then went on to explain that the violation was in regard to a raised flower bed planter that she is creating from recycled tires.  The flower bed is more than 20 feet from the road and runs along side her driveway.  Each tire has drainage holes drilled into them, filled with crushed rock, topsoil and each tire will be staked to the ground.  The whole structure is less than 36” high.  101 tires will be used for this project.  Ms. Keyser did look into what the NYS DEC has to say about tires and stated that more than 150 tires stored need to be reported.  This project would help to keep debris from sliding down towards Erotus Street and will help to block sound.

Code Enforcement Officer, Daren Arrington spoke stating that the tires are unsightly and don’t look good in the neighborhood.  A neighbor of Ms. Keyser, Gary McLouth first called and left a message for Mr. Arrington.  Mr. Arrington stopped out and spoke to Ms. Keyser and then hand delivered a violation notice around July 16, 2024.  Mr. McLouth wrote a letter (via email) to Mr. Arrington on July 22, 2024 at 2:21pm stating that he feels the tires are subject to fire, health and environmental hazards.

Supervisor Johnson next asked if anyone in attendance would like to speak.  A few different attendees spoke.

Councilwoman Herman stated that the original violation that was mailed had multiple mistakes on the violation.  Councilwoman Herman stated Mr. Arrington should have proofread the violation before it was sent as it was a bad reflection on the Town of Marion.

After 40 minutes of discussion, Supervisor Johnson suggested that a new corrected violation be sent out to the homeowner and the process would start all over again.

With no further business, on a motion by Councilman Cramer and seconded by Councilman Lonneville, Supervisor Johnson closed the meeting at 6:11pm.


Heidi M. Levan, Clerk of the Board